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Staying relevant in your industry is harder than ever. Every industry is overly saturated with companies fighting for the attention of their audience. Each company has its own way to provide value, and it can be really difficult to convince your customers that you provide a more valuable product than your competition. For this reason, you need to be able to set yourself apart from the rest of the pack to survive. Search engine optimisation is a great strategy to not only maximise the visits to your website, but it can also keep your efforts relevant and competitive in a saturated market. Below, we have some of the ways that search engine optimization can benefit the marketing performance of your business.  

It’s really easy to look at customers as a way to bring in revenue, which is a great misunderstanding of who they are and why are engaging with you. Every customer goes through a purchasing journey, and marketers and business owners desperately need to understand this journey. Never assume that you know what each customer needs! Spend the time and effort to understand what each customer faces when making a purchasing journey so that you can improve. Below, we have some considerations for marketers and business owners who are trying to understand their customer’s journeys.

There are plenty of marketing acronyms that markers have to keep track of like SEO, SEM, SMO, CRO. It can be difficult to keep everything straight, especially the difference between SEO and SEM. So, what exactly does SEM mean? Search engine marketing (SEM) is a sort of umbrella term that covers search engine optimization and paid advertisements. SEM is an effective way for businesses to reach new customers, increase revenues and trim acquisition costs.

America is such an awesome place for so many reasons. People are passionate no matter where you go whether it is down to the local Walmart store, on the slopes of Vail or in the Streets of New York. Often people the world over put Americans in an unfair box; loud, abnoxious, overly-opinionated, political and entrepreneurial. Other than the latter, I tend to disagree. It doesn't help that there are so many thousands of websites out there trying to "brand" Americans as such.
road_success-300x225It’s time to get serious. Very serious! 

Each day, I will publish ways to improve your small business marketing that are simple, yet effective. By Friday, you will have 100 ways in which to promote your business better. If you have some ideas of your own, please comment and I will be happy to add them in. Thousands of people read Marketing Eye’s marketing blog each week, so any great ideas or experiences is greatly appreciated!
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Marketing Eye is disruptive by design, going into start-ups and existing businesses with change in mind. We use our 20 years’ of experience to reinvent your marketing potential, and take your business to a level not yet achieved.