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America is such an awesome place for so many reasons. People are passionate no matter where you go whether it is down to the local Walmart store, on the slopes of Vail or in the Streets of New York. Often people the world over put Americans in an unfair box; loud, abnoxious, overly-opinionated, political and entrepreneurial. Other than the latter, I tend to disagree. It doesn't help that there are so many thousands of websites out there trying to "brand" Americans as such.
Who else finds it hard to fathom that only 15 years ago, real estate agents actually believed in customer service.

How times have changed! Speaking to a real estate agent at Lemon Baxter today, I was appaulled at how little they care about customer service and their "I don't give a F***" attitudes.
If a week is anything to go by, then I had better get a move on. Dragging my tail, procrastination and falling asleep on the job, just won't cut the mustard - as they say.

A new way of looking at things has emerged, and batteries are well and truly charged to maximum capacity. What was the change?
In a rush – too much work to do!
Every small businesses have customers and one thing we all know, is that if we don’t provide the service they expect, they will go elsewhere.

Over the years, I have had wondered how and why Qantas has remained so successful.

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Marketing Eye is disruptive by design, going into start-ups and existing businesses with change in mind. We use our 20 years’ of experience to reinvent your marketing potential, and take your business to a level not yet achieved.