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Nowadays, the reputation of a business is often held in the delicate balance of online reviews and social media presence. However, a sinister and alarming trend has come up where companies, primarily based in India and the Philippines, exploit this vulnerability by creating and posting fake, damaging reviews. This blog uncovers how these enterprises not only tarnish reputations but also trap businesses in extortion schemes that can turn into financial nightmares.

The level of awareness about your brand can say a lot about your company. Most small to medium-sized businesses don’t have the level of brand recognition of something like Apple, but it never hurts to be known for what you do. It’s important to understand the audience that recognizes your branding and how it can grow. But how do you measure the awareness of your brand? Below, we have a few tactics for measuring brand awareness. 


It’s no secret; marketers are driven by the satisfaction of when the product we are promoting sells.

But how often do we pause to consider the impact that product is having on the world - the people, the wildlife and the environment around us?

The Wolf of Wall Street was in many people's opinions a celebration of the bad life - drugs, sex, expensive toys, opulent homes and super expensive suits.

As we watched on as Leonardo DiCaprio spruiked, "The way I look at it, their money was better off in my pocket," many of us couldn't believe that world existed quite like that. But it does. And it's right here on our doorstep too.

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Marketing Eye is disruptive by design, going into start-ups and existing businesses with change in mind. We use our 20 years’ of experience to reinvent your marketing potential, and take your business to a level not yet achieved.