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Marketing Eye Small Business Marketing Articles

Why Linkedin is better for business
Finding time to spend on social media networks is getting more difficult. There are so many to choose from, that at times, small businesses don't know where to start.

From time to time, re-evaluating which social media networks work best for your company and re-defining your strategy according to changes in features and functionality, can either leverage your business to new heights or create havoc with your sales cycle.

As a firm believer that "you cannot be everything to everyone", it makes perfect sense to spend time looking at the various analytics relating to social media, the demographics of each platform and how it applies to your target audience, brand authenticity and collaborations with clients and partners.

When it comes to b2b marketing, the decision on what social media networks to use and invest in becomes significantly easier.
Want a marketing consultant in the US? Atlanta? New York? Los Angeles? BEWARE!
A marketing consultant is not necessarily a marketing consultant.

From one to another, they are completely different. Some have great skills in strategy, others in tactical development and execution of marketing plans. Some are great at communicating but not fully across social media or what role advertising plays in the digital age.

In the past year, I have travelled the world talking to marketers and each one has something different to offer. They all have honed their skills in one area or another.

I first started my involvement in the marketing industry 21 years ago at an advertising agency in  Queensland. I remember watching the owner of the business operate and being completely fascinated by his skills and creativity. He had started his career as a window dresser for a large retailer and way back in the early nineties was making more than a million dollars profit out of 5-man agency. Incredible.
How to keep your old books in one piece : a must read for entrepreneurs
Walking along the canals in Amsterdam this morning, I came across this piece of art. A park bench made out of old books.

It is a piece of art and each book has a story that it wishes to tell. Each book was put together by people who loved what is inside and wanted to share it with others. Each page is full of dialogue from authors all over the world, wanting to explore their inner most thoughts, passion, and view on something that they believe is meant not just for themselves but for others around them.

We each have a story to be told - don't we? As I sat in a coffee shop with my friend Huib today, we discussed some interesting life stories that people have shared with us in public forums. What we believed was a good story and some that we thought could be told in a different way, or perhaps should not be told at all.
The Food Stalker, LA Magazine Food and Wine Festival and More
What a crazy day to arrive in LA!!! I hopped off the plane in Los Angeles, headed straight for the Mondrian Hotel, changed then had a meeting with a businessman from Houston (, then met up with some other friends to head to LA Magazine's Wine and Food Festival at Saddlerock Ranch.

What a day! First we arrive in what is clearly the most exciting ranch I have ever seen. Not only do they have Zebra's and Camels, they have acres of vineyards with some of California's finest grapes.

I spent the day enjoying the exquisite view, good wine and delicious food, while meeting the wine makers and other successful business people who attended the function.

One of my good friends, The Food Stalkers very own Sandie Ward, covered the LA Magazine event, videoing the many eateries showcasing their food and the wineries who had their beste wines on display.

We talked about social media and the importance of offline and online marketing in any marketing strategy. The Food Stalker is one of my favourite blogs. Sandie brings alot of her personality into the blogs and really has a knack as a world-class entertainer whom I frequently liken to a nicer version of Gordon Ramsay.

Los Angeles is full of small business owners and a great destination for any Australian company to set up if they are looking to expand into the US. There is a certain vibrance when you talk to business people in LA, but be careful to do a background check - afterall, it is Hollywood!
We have all stumbled upon a myriad of marketing and social media latest phases and without hesitation either jumped in and had a go, or stood back and watched what our competitors have achieved before investing valuable cash and resources to the latest, hottest marketing platform.

There has been one consistent marketing platform that has been more central to a marketing strategy in the past couple of years, than any other marketing activity bar social media.

Content Marketing

If you have been hearing this buzz word for some time, and haven't done anything about it, then you are in a minority. Unlike the phases of social media platforms and apps popping up into our strategies then quickly falling to the way-side, content marketing underpins all online marketing strategies, whether we like it or not.
What can women entrepreneurs learn from their male counterparts?
Every day I meet with male and female entrepreneurs. In some ways, I would love to use these meetings in a study about human gender based entrepreneurial behaviour because it continues to fascinate me the inherent differences between men and women entrepreneurs.

As a woman entrepreneur, there has been many advantages:

1. If you are half decent looking, people of both sexes want to do business with you. After all, how many people really want an unattractive PR chick or marketer?
2. If you are young and female, better still. Everyone wants to help you. Men over 40 want to father you and help you be successful. Men your own age want to assist because they are proud that you are having a go.
3. When things are not going your way, it's easy to put on the female charm.
4. You can dress to impress or dress down when need be.
5. You can see the human side in every situation.
6. You know why people are making decisions like they do because you are interested in how people think and feel.
7. You have more compassion and empathy for those around you.
8. You don't necessarily have to be the richest. Instead, being the best will do.
9. It's very easy to blame irrational decisions or behaviour that was momentary on PMT.
10. There is no such thing as failure. Worse case, you can get married and have children.
1 Billion Users. Now that is a really big number. HUGE!

If you think about the fact that there are only 7 billion people reportedly on the planet, Facebook has a staggering 14% as friends.

In July 2010, they had half that. 500 million registered users to be precise. So, how in 26 months have they increased to double that size excluding China, because its banned there?
How does a marketing company market themselves?
We've all heard about 'why companies fail to grow' with literally thousands of books, blogs, articles and shows talking about why businesses have failed to grow or have had a sudden death.

When you ask someone who has had a business fail, why, they usually give you one reason. We all know that there is never one singular reason why a business fails, it usually is combination of things; market size, competition and demand all feature highly on external factors while operations, leadership, complacency, technology, marketing and lack of investment feature highly as internal reasons.

But the real story that we all should be following is 'why businesses grow and succeed' because in that, there are lessons and patterns we all can follow.
By Christopher Niesche -

EVERY small business should have a prospect list - a database of existing and potential customers where the business can focus its marketing efforts.

But it needs to be more than just a list of names and email addresses. It has to contain people who are in the target market for your products.

Here are tips on how to build up a prospect list.
The Naked Truth: What happens when you get naked in business
Recently, I ventured out to a Turkish Hamams as part of an off-site adventure organised by a conference that I attended in Istanbul.

As I readied myself for the excursion, I packed a bathing suit, took off my makeup and put on some comfortable clothing attire. That's what you do, right? Well, almost.

The bathing suit is not required. In fact, if you bring it along, and you go to a traditional hamams you may be confronted with an old Turkish woman telling you to put the bathing suit away "not needed". Then what do you do? You are there for an experience, right?
In the past week I have sat in a room with 799 other entrepreneurs listening to 5 or more speakers per day on topics ranging from entrepreneurship, happiness and charity through to tackling depression and finding out to spot a liar a mile away.

The speakers were all inspiring and all brought something to the table but no-one more so than the people sitting next to me. Each and every person in the room has a story to tell. They have built businesses through adversity, a shaky economic climate, prejudice, their own demons and because someone somewhere said they couldn't do it.
If you have ever marketed even one of your products or services, you’d know what they say about Direct Marketing (DM). There are so many different views about DM amongst the marketers today that it’s difficult to understand whether it’s worth all the time and effort at all. It’s confused, abused and misused by several marketers.

That’s right: there are the haters and then there are the DM lovers. Some are the in-betweeners (no reference to the teen TV show). Whatever it is, as a small business you need to know where DM stands in the digital age of 2011.

In his book, The Complete Guide to Direct Marketing, Chet Meisner refers to an Orlando newspaper which ran a hateful story about direct marketers. The headline was “Spammers, Telemarketers Share Secrets in Orlando”. According to the story, direct marketers were “making way too much money to stop the suppertime phone calls and endless emails.”
Happy Birthday Google!
It's time for celebration, or is it? It's Google's 14th Birthday and while one part of me wants to celebrate how much Google has made my life easier, the other part wants to pull back the curtain and see how I can control this addiction.

And addiction it is. Think about how long you can go without 'Googling' something or saying the world "Google". Try going a week. I have. It's impossible!

It's hard to imagine what life was like without Google?
It's been a quiet few weeks. Readers of this blog may have been surprised that after reading blogs daily, that there has been nothing. Zip.

What is the reason you may ask? Simple. Time out to learn and grow with other like-minded entrepreneurs. 7 days in fact. Doors shut, screens down and 100% focus on life, business and health while sharing experiences and ideas with other like minded entrepreneurs around the globe.

It has been life changing.

When you open up your browser to google maps, you first need to know where you want to go, but to do that, you also need to kow where you are right now. In business and in life, it is no different.

In business, you need to understand where your business is sitting today - the good, the bad and the ugly. Then you need to know where you want to go and then you can find the resources to help you get there.

Life is harder. Gosh, don't I know that. Coincidentially, this particular conference gave me greater clarity than ever before. I had a major shift in the way I view the world and people in it. I had the pleasure of spending time with people that inspire me and that have had experiences I can also learn and grow from.

Some take home value I got was:

- Life on earth is limited - don't waste time
- Prioritize things and people that are most important in life
- Positivity creates and impression in your subconscious mind
- It's important to visualize what you want
- Spend time with yourself every day
- Work with yourself from the inside out
- Change comes from within
- Devote enough time to the things you love in life
- Resolve all differences before going to bed
- Budget your energy and be thoughtful where your energy is going everyday
- Where energy goes, energy flows.

And for the men out there, a tip from a former monk "Give her everything she needs and everything she wants, and the loving wife never asks for anything that the man cannot provide.

After listening to Shawn Achor speak, about Happiness, it became increasingly clear how important it is to be happy and the effect that it has on your life and business. Creating a happy work environment and life for yourself will lead to prosperity and riches beyond anything you have ever dreamed of.

Imagine if every single one of your employees was happy. They loved their lives and loved their jobs. What happens? They have a great life and they come to work completely present and 100% focused on what they are doing.

"It's not necessarily that reality shapes our world - it's the lens that we use to shape our world."
If you are finding it hard to keep up to the latest in marketing techniques, you are not alone.

Most marketers, let alone small business owners, are struggling to keep abreast of the new developments in technology, buzz words, Google algorithm changes, content trends and more. Why? Innovation has been put on steriods and every technology guru is hoping to become the next Mark Zuckerberg and bank a few billion or at the very least, get their faces on the cover of Forbes.
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Marketing Eye is disruptive by design, going into start-ups and existing businesses with change in mind. We use our 20 years’ of experience to reinvent your marketing potential, and take your business to a level not yet achieved.


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