All in all, these things can create stress. After a massage two days ago, which might I add, added even more stress. If you get massages, you will relate to how stressful it is when the person massaging you thinks a feather brush approach is an industry standard massage, when you really want them to get down and dirty and massage out every last knot.
After dinner with a good friend of mine, who is male last night, he reminded me that my life isn't so bad. So what if I had a stressful day! Most of the year, I am highly motivated, full of life, loving every minute of my business and what that represents and I have friends and travel that keeps me looking forward to the next great thing that is happening in my life.
Friends teach you to keep it real.
When you have a stressful day, they are the first to listen to what you have to say, then remind you that it really is a 'small thing' in the scheme of things.They make you laugh, when you don't think that it is possible to laugh when you have so many things going on.
Friends keep your mind off the issues.
They talk about other things, so that you can 'turn off' at the end of the day.They give you good news. One of the most beautiful people I have ever met, inside and out, confirmed that she is pregnant, after trying for quite a few years with no luck. Isn't that what life is all about? The cycle of life and love.
Another girlfriend who lives in the West Coast of America confirmed on the same day that she is an Auntie for the first time. How special is that? As an Aunt to two very special boys who bring me so much joy and love - I get how exciting this really is. My two nephews are completely adorable and the best mannered children I have ever met in my life. At the age of 10 years, the youngest who is pure sunshine in every way, opens the doors for women, never asks for anything and always says thank you. When you give him a gift, he always says "you didn't need to do that, I am just happy you are here" - completely adorable.