My good friend Sami Lukis has a tour group, made up of women looking for an adventure. I decided to tag along to a few dinners while at other times catching up with my many friends who now call New York home.
New Years is a time for reflection.
We all have our own ‘shit’ and usually at this time of year, we decide whether we will call it a day, or keep persevering through. Most of us are acutely aware that most New Years Resolutions don’t work out and are forgotten almost as fast as we promised ourselves that we would keep them.

My resolutions are always held closely to my chest. I try to make promises to myself to better my life, appreciate the good and better manage the bad.
Sometimes it works, other times it doesn’t.
Quite interesting for me is that I visit clairvoyants around the world hoping for some inspiration. Mostly they tell me how well I am going to do that year in business or how true love may have eluded me to date, but is just around the corner.
I can’t quite figure out what is true and what isn’t but as you know, if you read my blogs, business is going quite nicely. I feel as though I can only improve upon my business acumen in the New Year and continue to strive to build teams of people who are as passionate about marketing as I am.
From the love front, I feel like a broken record… and will have to leave it at that. What will be will be. Maybe there is more than one great love in our lives and it takes a ‘chance meeting’ to realize, or perhaps that special someone will come back and both of you grow from the experience. Either way, there is promise ahead. It’s a new year and I am excited to have stepped foot into 2015 with my head in the right space and my heart open to possibilities coming from whatever direction they come.
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