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Marketing Consultant Shares Insights blog

I really don't want to steal from another person's story, but I know in the past few weeks I read something about Tony Robbins building his brand on confidence. In fact, he was quoted as being "the most confident man on the planet".

The questions begs, can we all be as confident as Tony Robbins, and if so, do we all want to be? The truth of what is reasonable to expect from any person, is to want to be better, and by being better at anything and everything, you will inherently become confident.

Many people, famous, and of course, everyday people as well, swear by Tony Robbins. I had someone once offer to pay for me to go to one of his conferences, which I declined because I thought that I was confident at work and that is all that mattered to me.
Why Tony Robbins Confidence Made Him Successful

I was wrong. We can all learn by being inspired, learning, and honing our own personal techniques that we use in life to survive.

As a business person, I have grown in confidence in spades over the past 17 years. The more successful I became, the more confident I became. It kind of goes hand in hand, and sets off an aura that attracts people to you. When I am super confident at something, people want to be around me. It is a bizarre thing to realise. Now, I am so comfortable on a stage, I realise that by speaking about my own experiences or about my favourite topic being marketing, I am in fact bringing to the table - people who want to sit next to me.

Confidence in its purest sense

In the purest sense, confidence is knowing what you are good at, the value you provide, and acting in a way that conveys that message to others. It is very different from arrogance, which is a belief that you are better than everyone, or having a low self-esteem, which has you believing that you are less valuable then you would like to think you were.

I've been in marketing for 24 years, and constant, relentless improvement has always been part of who I am. So yes, I am confident in marketing. I'm going to own that. In business, I am largely confident but there is still so much to learn and navigate, I sometimes drop my own ball, and find it heavy to pick back up. My confidence sometimes wanes and I become less confident, and hide back in my introverted-self, behind closed doors.

Shyness will get me nowhere

I've learned over the years that my shyness will get me nowhere, so everyday it is a struggle to remember that that person has to stay home. I am a born introvert, but through confidence in my capabilities, I convey an extraverted personality type in situations where I am either confident to be in, or I have psyched myself up like an athlete does before they go on the field, and I play the game. Many people have never seen the true me. The person who is shy and introverted, who struggles to have a conversation with anyone but a person that I know well. Then there is the other side, where I can talk to anyone, after years of honing the skills of asking questions and making sure the conversation isn't about you. That takes work and energy, but people like it, and I wouldn't get to first base anywhere had I not taken this approach in how I present myself.

Many people who have seen me on a stage would think I am one of the most confident people they have met. I am - in that moment, without a doubt. If I doubted myself on stage, I could not be there. But please don't crucify me if you see me in the street and I am looking at the ground when I walk and I don't see you walk by.

I'm fine with being my true self

While I like a bit of 'Tony Robbins', I am still fine with being true to myself, however, I do live life by the principal that confidence used wisely is incredibly powerful. If I put on my confident-self, I know I can walk into any room and hold the room. I am sure a lot of people feel that way, that have fine-tuned this art. I can equally walk into the same room and look to the ground nervously, with blurred vision because my anxiety has overtaken me and I cannot see the person I am meant to meet.

Whatever you think about habitually, will manifest into your life and for every person no matter who you are, you have to work at it. Confidence does bring success; personally and professionally. It is proven that confidence can be more important romantically than physical attractiveness. Something to bare in mind.

Things you can do to become more confident:

  1. Work at it. Read books on confidence, and watch Tony Robbins videos. 
  2. Be better. Improve at everything you do personally and professionally. Set milestones and once you have achieved them, raise the bar.
  3. Work out. By working out and keeping fit, you become more confident. It's proven, so if you put this one to the back-burner, change your game.
  4. Dress up. The better you dress, the better you feel and the more attracted the world becomes to you. Keep your head held high and stare people in the eyes when you are talking to them. Never drop the gaze.
  5. Learn power poses. Yes, powerful, confident people stand a certain way and look a certain way. Mimic them.
  6. Be a good storyteller. Tell your story with confidence, and tell it well. Don't stumble upon it, or talk around it. I once was at a breakfast with about half a dozen billionaires in the South of France and the poorest person, besides myself had about half a billion dollars. I was asked to say what my company does. I could not explain it. I could not explain that I do marketing. I didn't leave an impression on anyone that morning and spent the next 8 days making sure I spoke to each and everyone of the people at that table one-on-one to make sure they didn't think I was stupid, inarticulate or a complete moron.
  7. Learn to never be intimidated by people you hold in high esteem. I have for years held my mentors in such high esteem, that when I am in their presence I lack confidence and while I mostly try to convey the opposite, I feel dreadful inside. Maybe when I became more successful, or perhaps it was when they told me that they were proud of me, I became more confident in their presence. Now I literally can and will tell them anything. There is absolutely no boundaries. I respect that they are smarter than I am, and incredibly good people, but now, I feel that the more time I spend with them, the more I can learn from them. When you see people who surround themselves with others that are not of the same value system, you know that they are not confident and they also have issues. Remember when your mother told you "lay down with dogs, you get fleas". Solid messaging.
  8. Fix things you don't like. I work hard at being better every single day. I don't like being an introvert or being shy, so I work at it.
  9. Take risks. The more risks you take and the more you fail and succeed, the more confident you will become.
  10. Practice confidence. Practice makes perfect, but perfect practice also makes perfect.

I feel it’s something that is always there, something you’re born with that gets lost along the way, or stolen by others. Sometimes you have to dig deep to find it again. ~Amy Lee Tempest
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Mellissah Smith

Mellissah Smith is a marketing expert with more than 20 years experience. Having founded and built two successful marketing companies internationally, she is well recognized as a industry thought leader and innovator. Mellissah started her career working with technology and professional services firms, primarily in marketing, public relations and investor relations, positioning a number of successful companies to list on the various Stock Exchanges around the world. She is a writer, technology developer and entrepreneur who shares her thoughts and experiences through blogs and written articles published in various media outlets. Brag sheet: #2 marketer to follow on Twitter (2003), Top 150 Marketers to Follow (2015), Top 10 innovative marketers (2014), 60K+ followers on Twitter with 97% authentic.

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