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Marketing Consultant Shares Insights blog

May 16, 2022 Written by  Austin Papamikroulis

The digital space has created infinite possibilities for just about anything, all B2B’s have been given the ability to network and maximize visibility by virtually doing nothing. Utilization of social media has proven nothing but utter success for those attempting to expand their network. Find out how the integration of LinkedIn within your SM strategy is essential any B2B.

What is LinkedIn exactly and why does everyone keep talking about it? LinkedIn is the world largest professional network on the internet. You can network with people across the globe, ranging from job opportunities, skill development, professional relationship development or product/service promotion. LinkedIn simply has it all, catering to the needs of those wanting to flourish within their careers.

Lead Generation and Target Marketing

LinkedIn’s user are predominately professionals of all demographics, fields, and institutes as well as businesses and corporations looking to expand their network. Social media outlets like Facebook or Instagram, where the content varies from fashion fads, or your cousin’s latest haircut, LinkedIn members are there for a common reason regardless of field.

Finding the right business that has use of your service/product is such a simple process yet lengthy one. LinkedIn is the ultimate tool to remove any obstacle along the way and paves a straight path connecting one business to another.

As a B2B, it is difficult to continuously publish content ensuring you’re reaching the right audience. LinkedIn is extremely time-efficient, allowing your business to create content, knowing you are going to reach the right audience regardless.

Your given market audience is just sitting there waiting for you to reach them, you could be saving thousands on promotions and resources just by switching your focus on LinkedIn over other outlets. LinkedIn is also great for data formulation, as advertisements made via the site allows you to gain accurate, first-point entry data giving your business the most precise feedback you could possibly get.

Showcase Pages

SM marketing adds even more complexity a B2B because of having to specify additional

content for the niche products/services they offer. When a B2B is manufacturing tires,

batteries, and mirrors, they will eventually lose their audience. Another business who is

interested in the mirrors is having to read through irrelevant blogs and posts, it creates


LinkedIn created Showcase pages for this reason, allowing you, a B2B, to promote specific

products/services to a particular market. Rather than having to follow the main page with

irrelevant blogs, a B2B can simply access and follow this niche page to remain updated.

The susceptibility of growth and finding clients with Showcase Pages is sky-high. In addition to

this, the correlation between specified marketing and sale conversion becomes linear. You’re

not only finding the right target audience, but are finding the right buyers, making the process

simplistic and concise.

Group Feature

Is there no better way to stay-in-touch with someone than being in direct contact with them?

(The answer is no by the way). Sure, most social media outlets have the group chat feature on

their platform, but LinkedIn is designed to keep individuals as well as business to remain in

touch. This has proven wondering when measuring success amongst several B2B’s, topics range

from idea formulation, innovation strategies, ways to expand or just general check-ups.

Having a solidified foundation is crucial in every relationship, so why not continue to exchange

information and stay-in-touch with your clients, or even your competitors. You are gaining

valuable information, keeping up with the market and even opening your networks. The

benefits are endless.

Finding your Voice

We aren’t going to go on the intricacy of creating content on your business values… What I am going to tell you don’t be afraid to embrace any aspect that’s outside of your business, now I’m not saying be controversial. What I’m saying is most LinkedIn users are all intellectual individuals who are wanting to find coherent articles on social topics, industries, or just mind-pleasing content.

Every individual comes from all walks of life, so don’t be afraid to talk about that. Has one of your employees gone through a significantly difficult upbring to get to where they are? With their permission, talk about how that and how you will continue to support your employees no matter the circumstance. Hey, if you’re in the field of pet grooming and I am reading a well-written article about your employees’ journey, I am 10 times out of ten reading that article.

Good content or business exposure isn’t always confined to business articles or relevant topics, it’s okay to explore other topics relevant to your business. We are Human after all, B2B’s tend to forget that element when conducting business, you’re not just selling your product or service, you’re offering qualities of your values to other people, vice versa.

Regardless, if you want to pursue this or not, LinkedIn’s users are so diverse it is unfathomable, there couldn’t be more of a perfect audience for a B2B.

LinkedIn InMail

It is by far one of the best automated email platforms in comparison to other services. What makes InMail so great is that a campaign is only sent to those from the targeted audience when they are on the platform. How many times do you recall all those pesty emails that end up in your junk your deleted folder? InMail is designed to counter this by ensuring active users are receiving messages, with a success rate of nearly having over an open rate of 65%.

With InMail, there are automated responses in which the user can navigate through, encouraging engagement as well as directing them further to the service. It ultimately generates new leads, builds brand awareness, and continues to increase website traffic.

You simply cannot replicate the results with minimal effort in comparison to other platforms. This service shares an interrelationship with most B2B objectives, making it a no-brainer to include as part of their SM Strategy.  This is great for a B2B who are wanting to maximize exposure/brand awareness and/or meet potential consumers. LinkedIn should be a part of any business in today’s market, but when talking about a B2B, this is a must. The overflowing possibility of growth far outweighs any other SM strategy, in comparison to other platforms. It’s time-efficient, overly successful, and most importantly, trending.

Image credit - Greg Bulla

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