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Marketing Eye Entrepreneurship Articles

Marketing Eye's Expansion Plans Just Took On A New Course
"The new girl is always prettier than the girl you took to the dance" Canadian-born Australian entrepreneur Jack Cowin once told me when I first decided to expand internationally. As my mentor he was right, and though I listened at the time, I did it anyway. 

In the end, we were both right. Expanding to the United States was singularly the bravest thing I ever did, and it has set me up for profitability in the company in US dollars while the Australian dollar remains weak. Our offices make money and it has been an absolutely amazing journey. I have met some phenomenal people, all of whom have added to my life.

It also lead to a bit of "excitement" in my life. I was at a stage where I needed something to lift my game and expanding into the US market did exactly that. 
Singularly The Hardest, Yet The Best Decision I Ever Made
There are many important factors to consider when expanding a business. Growing a business isn't easy and I can't pretend to have too much experience in scaling up. I am still in the early stages of doing this with Marketing Eye, and there have been some challenges, but largely it's all about hard work, determination, and motivation to finish a job that you started.

Here is what you should know when expanding your business: 
Why Are Some B2B Companies More Successful Than Others?
Entrepreneurs beware!!!! Are you still sitting on your hands instead of making very important business decisions because you are so indecisive or you have no clue which way to go and are not prepared to take the risk?

So many entrepreneurs have amazing ideas. True. So many them never see them through. Fact.

It's a new year, well, at least we are almost a quarter of the way through 2016, and business people still trying to climb to the next level keep  on having these stops and starts that at the end of the only costs them time, money and an ability to be more successful.
10 Things you need to get right as an entrepreneur in 2016
There are so many things that entrepreneurs do right, and often this is what the world sees. Yet there are still some things that we don't quite get right. 2016 is going to be a massive year. There is so much in store and while we all focus on business, the Government has a few headaches not just with stimulating economic growth, but ISIS and climate change. 

Mastering the Rockefeller Habits sits on my desk in every office that I have. It was written by regular EO speaker and co-founder, Verne Harnish and is a bible for many entrepreneurs like myself.
Gwyneth Paltrow says, Build a business from a real, honest place

I agree with this 100%. When I first started Marketing Eye, I built it from a perspective that there was no global player in SMB marketing. While this makes perfect sense, it didn't reach the pit of what I really wanted to achieve as a business person, or a leader for that matter. I also had not thought it through.

"I was doing something from a very real, a very honest place, so I think that's why I was able to build an audience," said Gwyneth Paltrow to Fast Company in an interview which I have recently seen on Facebook. 

What is it that will make you more successful?
You are currently walking down the road and you come to a cross roads; if you go one way, you may be successful, if you go the other, you are not so sure. What do you do?

Of course, none of us can answer that question because "may be successful" is not a certainty and if you go the other road, you have no idea, but it could be good, or it may not be.

Life is a bit like that.
'No matter how busy you are, you always have time to make a difference.' 

I'm so busy right now. I am working very long hours and am in the office each morning before the sun rises. Not that I want to complain. I am doing something that I an incredibly passionate about and every single part of my business is going ballistic, so it's "time" to take it all the way.

When things go a big 'crazy' I call in the experts - my mentors. I ask them what they think about what I am doing and whether or not they think it will be successful. It's like having an educated bouncing board that have been there and done that.
It's come to that stage where my own capital is being exhausted and I have grown an international business with no loans or investment in the past 5 years off my own back.

It's worked a treat and my lifestyle hasn't changed, but I have some bigger moves to make now and may need investment.

Fortunately for me, I have friends who are always willing to help out and also are aware of the bigger picture.

Now it's time to get the business into shape. No-one wants to sell off a percentage of their company if they have been wasting cash left, right and centre - because they can.
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Marketing Eye is disruptive by design, going into start-ups and existing businesses with change in mind. We use our 20 years’ of experience to reinvent your marketing potential, and take your business to a level not yet achieved.


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Marketing Eye
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    3344 Peachtree Road NE, Atlanta, GA 30326
  • Atlanta: 404-626-8070
  • Seattle: 206-369-1950
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