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Marketing Consultant Shares Insights blog

Picture this: You’re downloading a new app. You hit the “get started” button and you’re asked to enter your name, birthday (so you can receive a ‘Happy Birthday’ text of course), and email address. You move on to the next step. Now, you’re asked to upload a profile picture. 15 minutes of life pass you by, and you’re still scrolling through your gallery trying to find the perfect picture. The one that shows you from the waist up, with good lighting, and highlights your best features. Why do we this? Because we grew up hearing the adage A picture is worth a thousand words, and we don’t want to say the wrong thing. [space height="HEIGHT"]
Is It Time For A New Profile Picture?
Here's How To Effectively Market Your Personal Brand
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Your Brand [space height="HEIGHT"]
To market yourself correctly, you need to understand your brand. When someone hears your name, what do you want them to think about? Having a personal brand isn’t just for athletes and reality tv stars, everybody has one. Here are some steps you can take to maintain yours. [space height="HEIGHT"]
1. Watch what you post. [space height="HEIGHT"]
Many believe that you shouldn’t post things that express personal opinions on political issues because you may alienate or offend someone. This is true to an extent. In terms of personal brands, it’s not so much about what you post as it is the tone of the content. It’s fine to share a message with others, so long as that message doesn’t reinforce your opinion, while attacking the opinions of others. [space height="HEIGHT"]
2. Delete unflattering pictures. [space height="HEIGHT"]
Social media stalking is real, and we are all culprits. That being said, that album you have with 104 pictures worth of you and your 10th grade friends doing absolutely nothing, delete it. Also, if you find yourself tagged in pictures you’d rather not be tagged in, delete that tag. [space height="HEIGHT"]
3. Follow through. [space height="HEIGHT"]
The way you are on social media should be the way you are in person. Otherwise, people will be confused and your name will start to lose credibility. [space height="HEIGHT"]
4. You control your brand, not the other way around. [space height="HEIGHT"]
Remember, your brand is affected by what you post. If you want your political views to be a part of your brand, post away! If you don’t, stay away from that share button. Don’t become what others think of you, change the way they think. [space height="HEIGHT"]
5. Smile. [space height="HEIGHT"]
No matter what your brand is, you should be smiling in your profile picture. Have you ever heard the saying We all smile in the same language? Well, it’s true. Smiling has a positive and inviting connotation that makes you seem trustworthy. [space height="HEIGHT"]
Maintaining your personal brand can be an easy extension of yourself. Just remember to be true to who you are and follow these 5 easy steps. Now go take a few pictures and find that perfect profile shot! [space height="HEIGHT"]
Contact us today at 404-626-8070 or email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you are interested in learning more about branding.
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Marketing Eye

The Marketing Eye Atlanta team has a combined 35+ years experience in marketing and communications. Marketing Eye Atlanta is well-known for high performance, technology-driven marketing campaigns that deliver results. The team members are experts in all facets of the marketing mix including strategy development, content marketing, branding, website development, public relations, social media, digital marketing, SEO, lead generation, direct marketing, etc.

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