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Marketing Consultant Shares Insights blog

Kylie Jenner
Here’s a challenge:

Try and scroll through your ‘trending’ list for an entire week, on any one of your social media platforms, without seeing a Kardashian, a Kardashian-West, or a Jenner. If you succeed, you’re either lying to yourself, or you deserve a cookie.
When Traveling To Another Country Consider These Tips
A bride in India has her hands painted with henna two nights before her wedding. In Chile it is socially acceptable and preferred to arrive late to events. In Japan the number four is avoided at all costs for the similarity in sound to their word meaning “for death.” Being interrupted while speaking is common and not considered rude in Brazil.
Work Life Balance
Many people struggle with balancing work and their social life. We are often contemplating between choosing the concert after work, drinks with a friend or staying late at the office. Finding the perfect balance can often times be challenging.
Here's How To Effectively Market Your Personal Brand
Picture this: You’re downloading a new app. You hit the “get started” button and you’re asked to enter your name, birthday (so you can receive a ‘Happy Birthday’ text of course), and email address. You move on to the next step. Now, you’re asked to upload a profile picture. 15 minutes of life pass you by, and you’re still scrolling through your gallery trying to find the perfect picture. The one that shows you from the waist up, with good lighting, and highlights your best features. Why do we this? Because we grew up hearing the adage A picture is worth a thousand words, and we don’t want to say the wrong thing. [space height="HEIGHT"]
Is It Time For A New Profile Picture?
Why Egomaniacs Have To Have The Last Word
Do you know someone who always has to have the last word in a conversation or an argument? Everyone has come across this type of person and knows how frustrating or plain sad it is when you see it. [space height="HEIGHT"]
Having the last word is closely associated with ego. Egomaniacs always have to have the last word. It gives them a feeling of power, as if they immediate draw all of the power of the person they are communicating with and become powerful due to it. [space height="HEIGHT"]
Work Hard, Play Hard
Before it gets too hot outside I have to share a tradition we have at Marketing Eye Atlanta- FLANNEL FRIDAY!! All work and no play makes life barely bearable. In this office we truly live the expression “work hard, play hard.” When you have this many creative people in one room self expression is inevitable. Flannel Friday
Happy All Fools’ Day
Today is April 1st. Everyone knows that means it’s April Fools’ Day or All Fools’ Day. This is a day to “duck and cover” if you work or live with pranksters.

April Fools’ has been a tradition for centuries, possibly dating back to France in 1582. People didn't want to start the new year on January 1st and continued to celebrate it at the end of March/beginning of April. These people became the butt of jokes and hoaxes.  
Think of Failure In a Positive Light
What ever you do don’t be afraid to fail!

Don’t be afraid to try something new, because you’re scared that you aren’t going to be good at it. As Nike says “Just Do It”! People fail all the time and when they do they only become stronger.  It is because of the mistakes we make we learn what and what not to do moving forward. It goes off the phrase “you don’t know what you don’t know and you wont know until you try”  

Fear and insecurities are the single biggest threats when becoming successful. Fear it’s self can significantly paralyze you and your business growth.
The Craziest Days in the Office Always Produce the Best Results
I'm in Sydney and the weather is phenomenal, the harbour is drawing me in, and the team is so busy that I think that they are going to burst at some stage today - but somehow, they never do.

Instead, they step it up, take control, become better organised and push boundaries.

How does that happen?
How This 24 Year Old Gets It So Right: Ramona Grabner
When you have travelled the world as much as me, there is one thing that you know is always going to be a given – that hotels are a must.

Now, if you must stay in a hotel, then you usually either want your normal comforts or you look for something different to what you already have at home. Something better, sometimes something just different.

What this year's clients have taught me
As we close our offices today until the second week of January, I realise that it's time to reflect on our wonderful journey and what we have all learned this year.

We have had the most amazing experiences, namely through our people and clients, who constantly amaze me with their insights, perseverance and determination to kick goals. 

Everyone loves a great Christmas party, unless of course you are a little like me and you have gone to one too many already. 
The millennial factor: why Gen Y is good for business
Being young in no way represents limited capabilities. I agree that with age comes responsibility, experience and wisdom, but for me drive and ambition are inherent. And this is true of many other millennials I know.

That is not to say that Gen Y make better employees or leaders, what I am saying is that they should not be disregarded when their date of birth is revealed. It is cliché to say ‘age is just a number’ but in many cases, this stands true.
Don't worry, be happy - is it really that simple?
If I had all the money in the world I would return it, stupidly some may say, for a life filled with fitness, health and happiness.

My theory behind this rather brash statement is that if you hold those three of life’s gifts close to your heart, the money will follow.
Motivation secrets that help you become a better goal setter
"The greater danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is too low and we hit it." - Michaelangelo

Goals. Not the kind kicked by America's best field goal exponent. More the type set by entrepreneurs, businesses, fitness fanatics and anyone who wants to get the most from life. I’ve edited a lot of pieces about goal setting in the last two months. It’s that time of year. Of those, however, who are taking advice about setting their goals, many fail to stick them.
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Marketing Eye is disruptive by design, going into start-ups and existing businesses with change in mind. We use our 20 years’ of experience to reinvent your marketing potential, and take your business to a level not yet achieved.


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  • Our addresses:
    Marketing Eye3344 Peachtree Road NE, Atlanta, GA 30326
  • Atlanta: 404-626-8070
  • Seattle: 206-369-1950
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